Naufal Shidqi

I'm Naufal Shidqi .

Applied AI/ML/DL, Data Science, and Edge/Mobile Computing Enthusiast.

Naufal ShidqiI'm a technology and AI enthusiast currently studying for a Master’s Degree in Computer Science at KAIST and a graduate research assistant at the Data Science Group of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) advised by Prof. Meeyoung Cha.

My interests include applied Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML)/Deep Learning (DL), edge-device/mobile computing, and computer vision, as well as discovering useful patterns and knowledge extracted from data. In IBS, currently I'm working on super-resolution problem in downscaling climate research data using deep learning.

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All contents on this site are my own personal opinions and ideas, and do not reflect opinions of my institutions/organizations.


May, 2024

I've finally defended my master's thesis! So excited for what comes next! Stay tuned!

May, 2024

Our paper was accepted at the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2024 (IJCAI2024). See you there!

Apr, 2024

I gave a talk about AI and DL at IEEE Student Branch Universitas Indonesia.

Nov, 2023

Our team won Encouragement Award from ASEAN Youth Network in Korea and ASEAN-Korea Centre!

Nov, 2023

I presented my accepted paper at the 9th Joint Conference of Korean Artificial Intelligence Association (KAIA2023).

Jun, 2023

Attended and presented my paper at Korea Computer Congress 2023 (KCC2023), Jeju, South Korea.

May, 2023

My paper was accepted in Korea Computer Congress 2023 (KCC2023).

Feb, 2023

Submitted a paper to 29TH ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD2023).

Aug, 2022

I'm happy to share that I joined IBS Data Science Group as a research assistant.

Aug, 2022

My first day as a Master's Student in Computer Science at KAIST.

Jul, 2022

I completed my Korean Language Program at Keimyung University.

Jun, 2021

I received a fully funded Global Korean Scholarship (GKS) from Korean Government for graduate study.


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Pengalaman Perpanjang Paspor di KBRI Korea Selatan

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Hello World 👋

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